Sellr Blog

Computer Time Saver

By Adam  |  26 Sep 2015 12:00:00

There's a small trick you can use on computers which will make browsing through documents, spreadsheets and websites a whole lot easier. Imagine, for example, that you had a huge spreadsheet and there was one specific thing to find. The spreadsheet has hundreds of thousands of things listed on it and you know what you're looking for, you just can't remember where exactly it is. Are you then going to have to slowly trawl through everything until you can find it? No, of course you aren't! There's a nifty little keyboard shortcut which will make it easier for you to find the information you need, no matter what you are looking at.


If you press 'Ctrl' and 'F' then what this will do is bring up a mini search bar for the page. Write in whatever it is that you are searching for and it will automatically find every instance of that term for you. It's pretty easy to navigate too; if, for example, you wrote in "sales" then every instance of the word "sales" in a webpage/folder/file would be flagged up and highlighted. You can then just browse through each and every instance of that word with a couple of arrows which appear along with the mini search bar.


Of course, I understand that many of you will already be totally familiar with this little shortcut but there are a large number of people who will have never come across it before. Everyone has to find out about these things somewhere and if this is where you found out about 'Ctrl', 'F' then not only will I have been happy to help, but this post will have been worth writing. I hope, that by keeping this in mind, you will be able to save time on your computer, meaning you can then spend your time more productively, develop your business some more and find yourself making even more money! But if you don't even have an eCommerce website yet, why not sign up to Sellr now and create one for no cost at all?


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