Sellr Blog

Two Part Blog Posts

By Adam  |  29 Sep 2016 12:00:00

A 19th Century Blog Post

You may have noticed that my recent blog post “Things to Know Before You Hire Staff” was split over two posts. The reason for this is that I was just writing a single post, but then I found that I had quite a lot to say, so I thought that it would be better suited to stretch out across two separate posts. This is quite a useful thing to do every now and again as it can help you to have a larger amount of content.


Longer vs. Shorter Pieces of Content

Here on the Sellr blog, we like to keep these blog posts fairly short and engaging. They're not so short that they're insubstantial, but short enough that you can read them all in a few minutes amidst the tasks involved in managing your own eCommerce website. If the pieces were a bit longer, people might see that they were quite long and just disregard them. You want people to read your blogs, because if they do and if they like them, they are more likely to come back again in future, which increases their chances of making a purchase. Plus, when you split a blog post in half, it saves you having to think up two distinct ideas.

On the other hand, longer pieces of content also have their strengths. If you can write a thousand words of really interesting content on a subject that is somehow connected to your industry, it will really cement you as a master of you field and encourage people to take you more seriously and to trust you. Especially long pieces of content are also favoured by search engines and more likely to start ranking highly by themselves: the problem is that it is much harder to think up a 1,000 word blog post than it is to think up a 300 word blog post.


So, if you've got a longer blog post on your hands, I hope that this will help you to decide whether or not you want to split it in half. This might help you to improve the content marketing strategy for your eCommerce website, but if you don't even have an eCommerce website yet, then sign up to Sellr now and get started for no cost at all!


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