Sellr Blog

Using Keywords

By Adam  |  30 Nov 2015 10:00:00

When writing pieces of content for your eCommerce website, the ultimate goal is to increase traffic onto the site. Content writing is at its most effective when you are conscious of SEO. To make sure your content is all very SEO friendly, you have to be sure that you are incorporating all of the right keywords into it. If you find it hard to determine what keywords you should be using in your content and how often it is that you should be using those keywords, then read on! I am going to use this blog post as a kind of introduction.


To figure out which keywords you need to use, you need to think of the things that your potential customers will be searching for on search engines. If you sell flannels, then you might want to have "cheap flannels" as one of your keywords. Essentially, it's just any and all words that are related to your business and your product. It would be a good idea to come up with a list of these keywords and then check them off as you find a way to incorporate them. If you struggle to think of any at all, then you might wish to investigate services like SEMrush which can go a long way to helping you identify the most effective keywords for your site.


But once you've decided on a few keywords that you want to use, you can't just use them willy nilly. You should probably identify the two or three strongest keywords and then use them on the main page of your website. Then other keywords (ones which are relevant, but not quite so much) could be saved mainly for pieces of content marketing. Write a blog post that contains a certain keyword in the title and then repeat that keyword several times throughout the text. Search engines scan through content and titles and pick up the number of times that the phrase  or word appears. But despite the need to repeat phrases, be sure that you aren't doing so at the expense of the quality of the writing! Something that's poorly written will not reflect your business well and would leave a bad impression in the mind for anybody who had that as their first impression of you.


I hope this has provided you with some useful information and that you will be able to help improve the SEO rankings of your eCommerce website. But if you don't even have an eCommerce website yet, then sign up to Sellr now! For no cost at all you can turn your eCommerce dream into an eCommerce reality!


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