Sellr Blog

Social Media Monitoring

By Adam  |  20 Nov 2015 18:00:00

Anybody who runs an eCommerce business (or indeed, any business of any kind) will be keen to know what their customers and prospects think of them; either they'll want to know where they're falling down, so that they can take steps to improve, or they'll want to know what customers would like to see in future, so that their thoughts can be considered in future developments, But where can you get this information? Well, there are a few ways, but in today's blog post I'd like to talk about social media monitoring.


Basically, the answers to your questions are already freely available on social media, it's just a matter of finding them. When somebody is annoyed about something, they're going to post about it and when somebody has an original idea, they like to share that too. So what you could do is find the Facebook page of a rival business and look through the comments from customers; is there a common complaint amongst them? Something people keep asking for? Well, if that's the case, make sure you don't make the same mistake with your business and provide them with what your competitor will not. Furthermore, some businesses have special support accounts on Twitter, specifically designed to be used to respond to questions and complaints; looking through these might be a good way to shine a light on the failings of your competitors and, more importantly, give you an idea of how you can get the upperhand.


If you're already using social media for marketing, it won't be difficult to spend a bit of time doing social media monitoring as well! But if you're not at all active on social media, then I suggest you sign up as soon as possible (be it on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest or whatever else) all of these can be very useful for marketing and all of these have the potential to yield some useful information through social media monitoring. Whatever you do, I hope your eCommerce website will thrive and if you don't yet have an eCommerce website, sign up to Sellr now!


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