Sellr Blog

Abandonment Emails with Sellr Business

By Adam  |  23 Jun 2015 10:00:00

To speak of abandonment, when talking about eCommerce websites, might seem strange. The word 'abandonment' has such strong negative connotations, but when used in this context we're actually just referring to customers who took the first steps towards making an order but then stopped and did not complete the transaction. While it is odd, there are many reasons a customer might do this.


Maybe the customer was about to finish the transaction, but then their internet connection cut out and they couldn't be bothered to wait for it to resume, only to forget the next time they went online? Maybe they remembered that they have something expensive to pay for soon and shouldn't be buying luxuries just now? Maybe they realised that the website had some old payment details listed for them and didn't really want to update them right at the time? There are lots of possibilities and it certainly doesn't mean that the sale is lost! If you're lucky, they'll still come back to you.


That is why 'Sellr Business' (£49.99 a month, or £499.99 a year, meaning that in six years, you essentially get an entire year free!) offers you an abandonment email service. If your customer left and was planning to come back but forgot, an abandonment email could be the difference between losing them and still making the sale. Abandonment emails can also be used to find out why they abandoned the transaction in the first place. It's possible that there's something stopping people from completeing the sales which is within your power to change, so responses to these abandonment emails may actually prove to be extremely helpful.


It's also likely to give a good impression to the customers. If they abandoned a transaction and then got an email from you later on, tailored specifically to them, it shows them that every customer is important to your business. Of course, this then encourages the customer to come back in future (and it's very important to keep your customers coming back) and probably also makes them feel good about supporting an independent business.


This is just one of the many reasons that Sellr's paid services are definitely worth your money!


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