Sellr Blog

The Ideal Length for Content

By Adam  |  1 Sep 2015 15:00:00

When running your eCommerce website, you might well decide that you would like to start doing some content marketing in order to promote yourself. Content marketing gives people a reason to keep returning to your website and, also, makes it easier for people to find it in the first place as it will then come up in more internet searches. But making the leap from doing no content marketing to getting into a regular content marketing routine must seem daunting. How can you know where to start?


Well, what you write will vary from business to business, but it should be things which are related to your product or industry, which are unique and enjoyable to read and which don't come across as obvious pieces of marketing. But what I want to talk about in this blog post is not the content of your content (that sounds weird to say) but the length of your content. Ideally, you want to be writing things which are between 300 and 500 words long because this gives you enough to say something substantial and is also short enough that somebody can read it when they're busy or on the go. It's certainly the length I aim for when I'm writing these blog posts. Of course, you should never feel bad about going over this suggested length, however. Some things take longer to explain/report on and will therefore require more words, which is fine. Having a longer post every now and then can't hurt. Do bear in mind, however, that in the name of producing more content, you could just break a longer post in half and post it in parts. This could be a good idea if you want to stick to a specific regime when it comes to content.


So I hope that target will give you something to aim for in your content and push you to get started. Content marketing is something which can be very effective and more and more businesses are starting to use it, so why don't you join them? But if you haven't even launched an eCommerce website yet, why not sign up to Sellr now? Not only is it a free way to create your own eCommerce website, but it comes with everything you need to do your own content marketing too.


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