The Sellr App
The Sellr App will first be launching for Apple devices with a release for Google Play planned for the future. We want Sellr to be the easiest and most convenient way for people to create their own eCommerce websites and so it makes sense for us to make an app. The app will allow you view all order details and to just generally keep up with what's going on on your Sellr site; it's perfect for the Sellr user who is always on the move! As the app is perfectly optimised for the different Apple devices, it should be easy to take a few minutes for a quick check in.
So I hope this is something which will be useful for all of you. We want you to have the best experience possible with our service and for your businesses to become hugely successful. The app will be available soon and completely free to download. But if you don't even have an eCommerce website yet, why not sign up to Sellr now? Christmas is on the way, so it makes sense (from a business perspective) to launch your site in time for that, plus, with a plethora of new Sellr features on the way, you have an even stronger reason to choose Sellr.
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