Appealing Content
Imagine I'd started this post like this: "Alright, lads. Today I'm gonna 'av a little talk about makin' yer blog posts as good as can be. After that, we'll head down to the pub and 'av a few cold ones." Of course, nobody would ever actually write a blog like that, but I'm just trying to illustrate a point. Maybe some of you will have read that sentence and actually felt like it was much more appealing, but a larger number will probably have read it and found it unappealing. It assumes things about the reader, things the reader might not like and it also sounds a little unprofessional. This could turn people away from your business.
So, when you do write content, it is best to write it while assuming as little as possible about the reader. Sure, you need to assume that they are interested in the subject you are covering, but don't assume any more than that: gender, age, knowledge, religion, political orientation, sexuality; all things that need not be acknowledged. Occasionally it might be hard, because you might find yourself unconsciously doing these things, but just check through everything and make sure it is nice and non-assuming. You never know who might be interested in your business, and the more people you charm with your content, the more sales you will make.
But if you don't even have an eCommerce website yet, why not sign up to Sellr now? Not only does it give you all the tools you need to create your own eCommerce website, but it comes with a fully integrated blogging system and can be used for free as well!
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