Sellr Blog

Attracting New and Existing Customers

By Adam  |  15 Aug 2016 12:00:00

He rings the bell, customers come.

What's the universal goal of all eCommerce business owners? Why it's attracting customers, of course! Unless you're conducting some kind of weird social experiment or building a joke business, I guess. Anyway, what's important when you try to attract customers to your eCommerce website is that you don't exclusively target new customers as the existing ones can be an equally good source of sales. You need to make sure you're targeting both groups in any marketing campaign.


First, let's look at the existing customers; how can you keep them coming back? Well, what you really want to do is encourage them to sign up to your email newsletter or to follow your social media accounts. Then you can do things like send them exclusive offers through the newsletters and provide them with worthwhile content on social media. This will keep you in their minds in a good way and encourage them to come back to you. And how can you attract new customers? This is a little harder, but writing good content so that you cover lots of relevant keywords will ensure that you come up in as many search results as possible. Making good use of hashtags on your social media outlets will also be a good way for you to have people find you when looking through their favourite topics on social media sites. Paying to boost social media posts is also a sure-fire way to reach a lot of people.


So I hope that gives you a rough idea of how you can appeal to both new and existing customers in your marketing strategies. Both need to be tended too equally and are essential to the success of upcoming eCommerce websites – if you don't even have an eCommerce website yet, then sign up to Sellr now and get yours started for no cost at all!


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