Blog Topic Idea Generator from HubSpot
Content marketing is the new big thing that lots of businesses are using to try and reach new people and to keep existing customers coming back. If you're not familiar with the concept, let me explain it to you; it most commonly takes the form of a blog and in this blog you'll write a whole range of post which all relate to your business. The more subjects you cover on the blog (and every business will have a range of related subjects to blog about) the more likely you are to come up in Google searches because each post will contain several new keywords and, of course, the people searching for those key words will be potential buyers too. A good blog will also keep existing customers coming back when they realise that you've got a steady supply of interesting things to say. Why wouldn't they want to read it?
But you musn't forget that a professional blog should really be kept to a regular update schedule. It's up to you how often you post, but make sure people know when to come back and that you are writing for it regularly. I understand that that might seem daunting; you're basically going to need an unlimited number of ideas! But you don't need to worry because you'll very easily get into the swing of regularly writing blog posts and, for any days that you don't have an idea, there's HubSpot's Blog Topic Idea Generator. You just need to write in three nouns which are related to your business and then you'll be given a week's worth a blog titles! Admittedly, they might not all be appropriate, but most of them will and it should be more than enough for times when you just need an idea for one blog post.
So I hope the HubSpot's Blog Topic Idea Generator will be a useful tool for you. If you aren't doing any kind of content marketing for your eCommerce website then I really think that you should start as soon as possible. You may not instantly see a huge boost in sales, but in the long term this is definitely a good idea. But if you don't even have an eCommerce website to do content marketing for, then sign up to Sellr now and get one started for no cost at all!
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