Sellr Blog

eCommerce Business Help From Crazy Egg

By Adam  |  30 Jun 2015 12:00:00

People are unpredictable; no matter how you design your website, you don't know how they are going to look at it. Do they scroll down on the homepage to see the current special offers? Do they click on the links to your social media? Do they ever go to your blog? If you had the answer to these questions, you'd be able to make your website even more customer-friendly. Well, the good news is that Crazy Egg will give you the answers you're looking for.


Crazy Egg is a paid service which provides you with easy to understand graphics to show what people are looking at when they visit your website. For example, you can be shown an image of your website which will be covered in multi-coloured dots; these multi-coloured dots represent  the places that people are clicking once they come to your website and their colours represent which clicks are the most common. This could help you to realise, for example, that your social media buttons barely ever get clicked and so people miss out on your social media. You want customers on your social media and so once you've recognised the problem, you can take steps to prevent it. Maybe the buttons are hidden away to the side and need to be more centralised? Maybe you don't draw enough attention to them, simply having icons and no words? Either way, it will give you something to think about.


That's not all Crazy Egg can do for you either. There are several other features, but I'll just focus on one more; it lets you see how far down people scroll down when they're on your website with a simple colour fading graphic. This, too, could be vital information. Maybe when you arrive on your website you mainly only see the company logo and the browse bar and barely anyone scrolls down after that... Even though just below it you have your social media buttons as well as information on all of your latest deals! If you were to discover this, an easy solution would be to simply make your logo smaller, or to bring up the things that are lower down. There are lots of ways you can respond to the data.


And, of course, that's just the tip of the iceberg. As Crazy Egg offers free trials, you could always take it out for a test drive and see if the information it gives you seems helpful to your eCommerce site or not (and it probably will!) before paying anything. If you've not even set up your eCommerce site yet, then be sure to open your Sellr account right away. It is totally free!


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