Ekmpowershop Problems and Risks
By Adam | 10 Feb 2016 12:00:00 |
Ekmpowershop is a well-known eCommerce solution, but did you know that it actually has quite a handful of problems and risks? Yes, it's true, when it comes to Ekmpowershop, they have more than their fair share of issues. If you were thinking about using Ekmpowershop to create your own eCommerce website, then you might first wish to read through this blog post just so that you can be completely sure that that is the wisest decision for you. To make things simpler, here is an easy to digest list of the problems and risks with Ekmpowershop.
- Ekmpowershop's "free trail" is not all it seems. Don't worry, it is free, but rather than giving you a trail period in which to use their service, you're actually given a demo that lasts fourteen days. You might spend fourteen days working really hard on a new eCommerce website, only for it to then be erased once those days are over. So the fourteen days could pass, a day or two later you decide to pay to continue the exciting project you started, but then it's all gone - erased!
- Ekmpowershop's packages do not really accommodate a whole lot of people. They have a single £24.99 a month package which doesn't really work well for new, small businesses (who wouldn't be able to afford that) or big businesses starting an eCommerce website as a new endeavour (who would want something more substantial.)
- Ekmpowershop might break the website you build. Ekmpowershop often perform updates which change the way things on people’s websites work, often leaving features broken.
- Ekmpowershop will charge you money to fix problems they created. If your website was effected by one of their updates, you’ll have to pay for it to be fixed and they discourage users from sharing solutions on their forums (by deleting posts).
So if you were thinking of starting an eCommerce website with Ekmpowershop, make sure that you'll be okay with all of these issues first! If you've changed your mind and would like to try a more honest and fair eCommerce system, why not try Sellr? We offer a free package which you can use indefinitely, various other packages for different sized businesses and update our systems so they match what customers are asking for and will not damage their site's functionality. Since there's not really anything to lose, why not sign up and give it a whirl?