Free Ecommerce Website with SSL
In 2014, Google announced that they were going to take into account a websites SSL status when calculating the ranking for a site. Essentially, this means that if you have SSL on your website you may be ranked higher than sites which do not have SSL.
Of course, Google takes many factors into account when working out where to rank a site however anything you can do to make your website rank higher in Google's natural listings is something which every merchant should seriously consider. With Sellr, every website can use an SSL certificate under their own domain name at no extra cost. Including on the FREE version of Sellr. This is really important as the SSL needs to be on every page of the website, not just on the cart and checkout pages for Google to take this into account. We have noticed that in our competitors systems, you normally need to either use a shared SSL certificate which would use their domain name, not your own, or you would need to pay a lot more - sometimes even requiring a dedicated server for this. Seeing as every merchant now needs to be using SSL - we think that this is simply a basic requirement for a store. See for more details on what Google have said regarding this. If you are not already using Sellr, sign up for a free account now and you can be running an SSL protected ecommerce website in minutes!
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