Happy New Year from Sellr
So that's it! 2015 has come to its end and 2016 has now arrived. How was 2015 for your business? Good? Bad? Would the you of 2014 be impressed if they could see where you are now? Don't worry if not! Businesses don't really grow overnight; it's a slow and steady process which may take some time, but which will doubtlessly pay off for you in the long run. Of course, whether or not your business did well isn't the most important thing: what's most important is that you and your family have been healthy and happy and I hope that is the case!
But New Year's isn't just a day to look back at the past year, it's also the perfect time to look ahead at the next year! Where will you be at the end of 2016/the start of 2017? Do you have any specific goals you'd like to make? A certain something you want to start doing with your business? If you've never planned out a year for your business before, perhaps now is the time to start doing so! On a smaller scale perhaps you'd like to set some New Year's resolutions for your business? By consciously setting yourself these targets, you'll be much more likely to make them than if you just thought to yourself "It'd be nice if this happened" be affirmative and set yourself goals.
Plus, New Year's may also be a time for increased sales. Why not offer some kind of special New Year's Day promotion? It would be nice to do some marketing tied to the coming of the New Year too. Making a summary of the year for your business might be quite nice, so people can see how you've grown and evolved. It's also nice to just wish your customers a happy New Year, because you want your customers to like you... and on that note, Happy New Year! I'm sure 2016 will be good for you and good for Sellr too.
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