Health in Business
So how many hours are you working a week? Might it be best for you to cut down a little? Of course, it's fine for this to happen every now and then; perhaps it was an especially busy week for your business and so you had to put in more hours. I don't want to be alarmist and even if you do work for fifty-five hours every single week, you could still live to be a hundred and thirty and never have a stroke! But it's just worth keeping these things in mind because your health and well-being is important. Not just because you deserve to be feeling well and good (though that is a very good reason to take care of yourself), but also because your business might not do so well if you're making yourself ill.
So, pay attention to the hours you work and try not to let them get too high. I realise that in some situations, working such a large number of hours will be an economic necessity because you'll have a family support and/or bills to pay and it's sad that so many are having to push themselves so hard. But, assuming you have the ability to do so, try to make sure you're not working too much.
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