How Chinavasion Can Help Your eCommerce Website
If you run, or would soon like to run, your own eCommerce website, one thing that you might wonder about is where you are going to find your stock. After all, if you want this business to be sustainable, you're going to need a steady supply of products to sell! There are, of course, many options open to you, but in this blog post I am going to focus on a website called Chinavasion.
Chinavasion is a website which sells electronic and tech goods in large quantities from manufacturers in China. It's a website specifically designed for business to business transactions, so it would be the ideal place to go if you needed a lot of tech products for your Sellr store. You might think that you've already got a source for your products, or that you're only going to sell things that you can make yourself, but Chinavasion could still be quite useful for you. If you sold your own items, it might become difficult to keep up with the quantities that are required of you, so it could be a good idea for you to sell additional items too, simply to put less pressure on yourself. Equally, if you already have one source of goods planned, it can never hurt to have another. If you're planning on selling things that you can get cheap somewhere else, what will happen if you suddenly lose that contact? You'd not really have anything, so, it would be a good idea of you had more than one supplier.
An astute business person could make excellent use of sites like Chinavasion. If you visit it regularly, you could buy things in bulk when they are at a reduced price (and it's already cheaper to buy things in bulk) and then sell them at the normal price on your site; you could then visit other business to business eCommerce sites and find some good bargains with them and repeat the process. Of course, it's not easy to do this and I don't mean to suggest it as a 'get rich quick' scheme, but if you put in the work and have good business and marketing strategies, then it is likely to pay off!
So what are you waiting for? Sign up for Sellr right away. It is completely free and, combined with things like Chinavasion, it has never been easier to get your business idea on the road.
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