How Discounts Drive Sales
People just love the idea that they're saving money, even if it actually means that they end up spending more than they do on a day when there is not a sale. If people can get a product for less than the price that they expect to pay for it normally, they almost certainly will buy it, regardless of other factors. But then if you offered products at an especially low price all the time then you'd lose a lot of money and also customers would come to view it not as something special, but as something normal and unexciting. This is why it's always good to offer these kinds of discounts for limited times only; this puts pressure on people to buy right away!
So I hope that has convinced you that offering some good discounts every now and then may well be good for business. When people do spot a sale, they'll message their friends so that they get a chance to get a discount too; people are much more likely to recommend you to others during a sale, than at any other time. You can also use social media to draw attention to the fact that you have some really good deals on. Who knows how many new people you might attract with that sale? And who knows how many of them might go on to become regular customers?
But if you don't even have an eCommerce website to offer sales on yet, then sign up to Sellr now! For no cost at all you'll get all the tools you need to create your very own eCommerce website.
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