Imitating Big Brands
When you're a small independent business selling through an eCommerce website, one difficulty you may face is persuading people that you're a company worth buying from. As much as people may be attracted to the idea of supporting small, independent businesses, they're also quite comfortable with big brands as they know exactly what they're getting from them and buying from somebody else is often viewed as quite a risk! One method which you might like to try to use to persuade people to buy from your small business is to imitate big businesses. There are two approaches to this: on the one hand you might just like to try and present yourself as if you are a larger business than you are - don't lie, but don't highlight the fact that the whole thing might be run by a couple of people in between their day job. Instead of saying there are just two of you, say there is a dedicated team. If you've been asked a certain question a couple of times, make a FAQ questions page and visitors to the site will think that you get a lot of enquiries because you're a very popular site. Small things like this can make quite a big difference But if you're happy using a somewhat manipulative trick, you could try to imitate the style of a well-recognised brand: use a similar name and create a similar logo, some customers might then mistake you for that brand and be more likely to buy from you - admittedly, this isn't for everyone and you must be careful of copyright infringement, but it can work. So if you were wondering about the ways to make your eCommerce website more attractive to first time visitors, I hope that this has given you some ideas. Once somebody has made a purchase from you, I am sure that they'll be blown away by the quality of your prices and continue to buy from you on a regular basis, but the trick is in getting them to buy something in the first place and this is just one method you can use to push people towards that. Hopefully this will help you to experience an increase sales on your eCommerce website, but if you don't even have an eCommerce website yet, then sign up to Sellr now and get started for no cost at all!
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