Sellr Blog

Increase Efficiency with Google Drive

By Adam  |  29 Jun 2016 12:00:00

The logo of Google Drive. Pretty nice.

As your business begins to grow bigger and bigger, you'll find that there's more and more for you to manage. With so many things which need to be taken care of, you'll almost certainly turn to spreadsheets as they're one of the most convenient ways of viewing and recording information - if you can find everything you need on a spreadsheet, it will save you having to rummage through paperwork when you need to get a specific piece of info for something.


The only problem with spreadsheets is that once you have a few different people who need to update information onto a single spreadsheet, it becomes difficult to ensure that everybody is working on the most recent, most up to date version of the spreadsheet. Sure, everybody could have their own spreadsheet to work on, but then you'll have the exact same issue of having to look through loads of different things when you want a specific piece of information. This is where Google Drive steps in: with Google Drive you can upload, create and edit spreadsheets online and multiple people can be working on the same sheet at the same time - if you've been using offline spreadsheets, this is something which is sure to save you a lot of time an help to make you and your workforce a lot more efficient.


So I hope that will be a useful piece of information for you. With any business, it's very easy for people to get bogged down in excessive admin work which ultimately isn't all that beneficial - Google Drive can help to ensure that that admin work is kept to a bare minimum. With time saved on things like this, you can focus on work which will benefit your eCommerce website much more directly, but if you don't yet have an eCommerce website, then sign up to Sellr now and get started for no cost at all!


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