Increase Your Business Appeal
When you run an eCommerce website you doubtlessly have a good idea of your target audience. Therefore, it's good to do marketing with your target audience in mind. Having said that, one thing you must never do is assume things about your customers. Maybe you sell military memorabilia and you might write "Alright lads, we've got a new batch of vintage gun replicas in today" on Twitter, assuming that your customers are all male. A female who was interested in buying from you might feel alienated by that. Equally, if you sell classical dresses, you might write "Hey ladies, we've got this stylish new dress in, why not pick it up right away?" which might alienate male customers, because even men like to buy dresses!
So, keep your marketing neutral in as many ways as possible. You might write on Facebook "Praise Jesus for another beautiful day" but then what if that puts off your customers who are of another religion or are atheist? Religion, politics, race, sexuality, gender identity and everything else all need to be considered. Be all inclusive with your business. Anyone could be a potential customer for your business and don't you want to have as many customers as possible? Regardless of how you personally feel about these issues, it's best to try and accommodate everybody.
So keep that in mind as you get on with your own eCommerce website. Social media and blogging gives your business a voice and it's a good idea to give your business a voice which everybody can enjoy listening to, rather than one which is exclusively aimed at one specific group of people. Hopefully this will help to make your website more appealing to as many people as possible. But if you don't even have an eCommerce website yet, then sign up to Sellr now and create one for no cost at all!
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