Keyword Stuffing
In the past, if you really spammed a keyword and forced it into your content as many times as you possibly could, this would actually help you to rank more highly. This was due to an oversight when the original algorithms were drawn up, but obviously this helped sites with low quality content to come up highly and they want sites with high quality content to be the ones which rank highly, so it was eventually rectified. But because this was, at one point, a valid approach, many people still try to do it today and many sources will still tell you that its effective.
Keep this in mind and remember that keyword stuffing is no longer a valid SEO tactic. It's good to always remember that SEO is an ever evolving field and something which may be beneficial today, could be harmful tomorrow – keep up the news and if you ever read SEO advice online, always make sure that it was published recently and is not years old! Being critical like this could really help you to improve your search engine rankings without taking any missteps. It could be just the boost your eCommerce website needs, but if you don't yet have an eCommerce website, sign up to Sellr and get started for no cost at all!
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