Making a Business Twitter
When you create your own eCommerce website, you might be tempted to use an existing Twitter account to market it. If you've already got 5,000 followers on your personal Twitter, why would you bother starting a new one for your business when you already have such a large number of people that you can already market to? But actually, there are many reasons that making a new Twitter account for your business is a good idea and I'm going to go over them in today's blog post.
First things first, let me be clear; if you do have an existing Twitter with a large number of followers, I'm not saying that you can't use it to marketing your eCommerce website; on the contrary, it would be a good idea if you did a little bit of that! What I'm saying is that you also need a Twitter especially for your business. On your eCommerce website and in your email marketing, you'll want to have a Twitter feed to link back to so that interested customers can follow you. The problem arises when you link back to a personal Twitter account; this will look unprofessional and as the focus will not be exclusively tied to that eCommerce website, people are much less likely to follow it. That's why a Twitter account especially for your business is important.
If you've managed to build up a large number of followers for your personal Twitter then you can doubtlessly do it again for your business Twitter. Really, you'll have a head start because you'll be able to persuade some of your existing followers to go ahead and follow the business one too. Also worth considering is that if you use your personal account as your business's Twitter account too, then business tweets will be mixed in with personal things; personal things which some people could potentially disagree with and so choose not to buy from you. Furthermore, followers of your personal Twitter, who like the personal tweets, might choose to stop following you if they get tired of your business promotions. So it's a good idea to make a business account on Twitter for your social media marketing, but if you don't even have an eCommerce website to do social media marketing for yet, then sign up to Sellr now and get started for no cost at all!
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