Pay As You Go With Barclaycard ePDQ
When you need to make use of another business's services in order to continue the smooth running of your own, it can often be difficult to determine what will be a good investment for your company and what will be a waste of your money. These sorts of things often have you paying for up to a year at once and not only is that a big dedication, it's also a lot to pay. So it's good news that Barclaycard ePDQ now has a new pay as you go option! If you had been wondering about which payment gateway to implement for your eCommerce site, then perhaps this new deal will be the thing that helps you to make your decision. If you're not using it, you won't be paying for it. Simple! No risks.
Barclaycard ePDQ is very good because it helps you to ensure an excellent customer experience for as many people as possible. Barclaycard ePDQ accepts payments from all major credit cards which means there's no real chance of somebody abandoning their purchase after finding that their prefered payment method is not accepted! Furthermore a lot of people are familiar with Barclaycard; imagine if somebody without very much knowledge of the internet comes to your website and sees only PayPal as your payment gateway. They might assume they need PayPal to pay and leave. Barclaycard ePDQ, of course, will assure people who use Barclaycard and is likely to assure other people who only have credit cards who just think of PayPal as a confusing 'internet thing'.
Barclaycard ePDQ also has a 99.9% uptime, which means that the chances of somebody going through with the order and then giving up at the last minute because the payment gateway is down for maintenance are extremely low. Barclaycard are also especially conscious of security, so you and your customers will be safe at all times. It's a very good service and if you sign up for Barclaycard ePDQ, you get one free year of Sellr Go! That's worth £120, so, it certainly seems like a good idea across the table.
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