Promote Content with StumbleUpon
Every website owner wants their content to be found and something that can help with that is StumbleUpon. What's tricky about getting your content found is that there are so many other businesses that are also producing content. What is there to ensure that people will find yours and not somebody else's? Well, the main thing to do is to produce something which is very high quality and unique, but you also need to be sure that you are giving people as many ways as possible to find your content. One way that people find content is through StumbleUpon.
StumbleUpon is a website which helps you to both find new content and to share content. Essentially you 'stumble' upon new content which might be interesting to you. When you sign up to StumbleUpon you choose (from a broad selection) which subjects are interesting to you. Once you've let it know what you like, every time you log in to StumbleUpon, you'll be given a new piece of content based on your interests. You can then rate the content by giving it either a thumbs up or a thumbs down, which it then keeps in mind when suggesting content to you in future and when suggesting that specific piece for others. This may sound very nice, but perhaps you're left wondering how this actually benefits business owners? Well, a nice feature that StumbleUpon has is for you to submit content to be included amongst the things they recommend to others. You choose the areas of interest that your content will be relevant to, let it know whether or not the subject matter is "safe for work" and then submit! From then on, StumbleUpon will recommend your content to people who are interested in it.
If you have any very sales-based pieces of content, these are probably not really appropriate for StumbleUpon. Sure, a salesy call to action at the bottom of a piece might be alright, but you have to make sure that the content is mainly something which will entertain or inform. Submitting your piece of content to StumbleUpon will hopefully help you to experience a little bit of a traffic increase on your site. If you don't yet have an eCommerce website, then sign up to Sellr now and get started for no cost at all!
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