Sellr Blog

Remote Logout From Facebook

By Adam  |  12 Aug 2015 19:00:00

Imagine you're having a day 'off' and are relaxing in a library or in an internet cafe, any place with public computers. Then you get a text; it's a very exciting text. You've just been told that an exciting deal has gone through; you'll be working with another business and offering a fantastic, exclusive product on your eCommerce website! Excellent. This seems like the perfect time to get on Facebook and officially announce this exciting piece of good news to all of your customers. You write up a status, obtain an appropriate photograph from your Dropbox account, and post! They'll love that. It's been a good day for your business and on a day off too!


You head out with a spring in your step. Now time to go home and enjoy a... Hold on a second. You just remembered that you forgot to log out of your Facebook account. Anyone could take control of, not only your personal Facebook page, but your business's Facebook page! If people see it get hijacked, they'll think that you've not got a high level of security; they won't feel safe if they purchase from you. You'll lose all your integrity! If people turn from you now, your business deal won't lead to anything; your partners won't want to work with you anymore. This is the beginning of the end for your eCommerce business and since you're eCommerce business is your sole source of income, this is the beginning of the end of your livelihood. Your business, ruined. And who knows what they might be saying to your friends? You just had a private discussion with someone on Facebook last night, this person might go through your messages and share the details in a status. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.


If you worry that something like this might one day happen to you, you can put your mind at ease. Facebook has a little-known, but very useful, remote logout feature. Now there is no risk of this nightmare scenario every happening to you! Well, assuming, that is, that you don't forget to logout without realising that you've done so! So always be extra sure that you logout of public computers and just always be safe on the internet; a secure password never hurt anyone!


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