Sellr Blog

Season of Giving

By Adam  |  8 Dec 2015 10:00:00

We're now a good half way through December and Christmas is a mere seventeen days away! Christmas is, of course, the season of giving and a lot of charities are very likely to see a large increase in donations during this time of year. It's a time of year when people are more generous with their own money as well as being a time when people are more likely to appreciate the generous actions of others. Have you considered making any charitable donations in the name of your business? In this blog post I am going to talk about why one might wish to give to charity as their business.


First off, there's one thing I feel it is important to say right away: the main benefit of giving money to charity, regardless of the context, is that those who are in need will get some money which will help to improve (and in some cases save) their lives. This is the biggest reason that anybody would give to charity and I would hate to suggest otherwise. Having said that, I want to talk a little about how it can also aid the businesses who make the donation.


If you do make a donation in the name of your business, you should be sure to let your customers and prospects know about it. You can write about it on your social media feeds, in your newsletters and wherever else you deem appropriate. If customers see that some of your profits are going towards charities, then they are more likely to make a purchase from you, as they will like the idea that they are contributing. You could also say something like "£1 from every purchase goes to charity" to really hammer home that point (though you'd have to actually do that, of course!) Not only that, but if you make a nice donation to a large charity, they may well acknowledge it on their social media feeds (especially if you do first) and that would expose many new people to your business. Plus, the more customers you have, the more frequent (and larger) you can make your future donations...


So I hope that gives you an idea about how charitable donations can benefit businesses, especially with Christmas coming up. Of course, this approach isn't for everybody, though it is still something to bear in mind. But if you don't even have an eCommerce website yet, sign up to Sellr now and get one started for no cost at all!


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