Set Up Your Domain Through Crazy Domains
One thing you should try to avoid is actually have a 'crazy' domain; you might go for something really odd because you're sure that nobody else will have it, but that's a little unwise from a business perspective. For one thing, if your URL is something really bizarre then it could lead people to think that your website is quite unprofessional and so they might take it less seriously and you also don't have high chances of somebody coming across it on Google if you have gone for a strange, obscure domain name. For that same reason, your name or simply the name of your business are not good choices either. Instead, you should go for a domain name which has the name of your businesses as well a word or two to describe your product or service. If your business was called Tabula Rasa and you sold white board supplies, a good domain would be That way, anybody who happened to be searching for 'white board supplies' might just stumble across your site.
Anyway, once you've purchased your domain through Crazy Domains, this is what you need to do next. Sadly, you cannot do the next stages by yourself and you will have to call up the Crazy Domains customer support people. If you are in the United Kingdom, their number is 02071 480 192 but if you are based somewhere else, you will need to use a different number (numbers can be found here). Once you're through to them, you first need to ask them to make sure that the CNAME points to the URL of your Sellr store (make sure they get the URL exactly right on their end) and then after this you need to ask them to make the A Record point to the Sellr IP address ( That's all you need to do over the phone and hopefully it will all go very smoothly.
After that you're pretty much done! Then just return to Sellr and log in to your account, go to the 'Website' tab and then click 'Website Domain Name' where you'll find the next stages of the process simply laid out. You shouldn't have any difficulty from here on out, but just in case something does come up, you can contact us over the phone on 01225 422200 or via email at We're very happy to help and wish you the best of luck with your new domain!
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