Setting Up an Email Address
I know that, for a lot of readers, the act of setting up an email address may seem very simple, but every person has a different level of skill and understanding; if you decided that you wanted to investigate the possibility of running a business over the internet and wanted to do some research without having any real foreknowledge, you've come to the right place! We all have different experiences and if you've not done anything like this before, you're going to need a guide.
As it happens, setting up an email address is incredibly simple. You can basically just search for an email provider on Google (Outlook and Gmail are probably the two most highly regarded ones) and once you get to that point, you'll just have to click 'Sign Up' and fill in a few details. You name your email address yourself and as you're very likely to be using this email address for a large range of things, it's a good idea to make it sound professional; choose something like (of course, substituting each of those words with your fore and surname!) if that address is already taken, try putting in your middle initial, your whole middle name or even adding your year of birth to it (or any other number that you'll be able to remember). A lot of people have had an email address for a long time and possibly set it up when they were young, going for silly name likes If that sounds like you, it would be a good idea to make a separate, professional email address.
Emails have proved to be an excellent mode of communication for the internet, so once you've got an email address and have set up your eCommerce website through Sellr, it would be quite a good idea to put your email address up in a contact section so that your customers can get in touch directly, if they need to. This is yet another reason that it is a good idea to have a professional sounding email address consisting only of your name. Having said that, the best option would be to have an email address along the lines of as it makes your eCommerce website look a lot more professional.
Gmail for Work provides you with this service, albeit for a small price. It could be a good idea if you just stick to a free email service in the early days of your business, one which ends, for example, with "" but then, once you know you can afford it, set up a business email account. It's just one of many small things you can do to make your website all the more professional. This will also make things much easier for you, because then enquiries about your business won't be lost amongst all of the regular emails that enter your account on a day to day basis. It's good to have things separate and organised.
So hopefully that's all you needed to know to take your first steps towards launching your eCommerce website! You can sign up for Sellr right away and it will be completely free!
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