Sellr Blog

Social Media Management from TweetDeck

By Adam  |  9 Oct 2015 18:00:00

Twitter is one of the most popular and useful social media platforms when it comes to marketing. You can stay in touch with existing customers, reach new customers and share interesting content which is related to your business. This is what a lot of people will be doing with their Twitters, but what many people don't know is that having a Twitter account gives them automatic access to a very useful service called TweetDeck, which is an official part of Twitter.


TweetDeck provides you with an easy to use dashboard which can be used to manage your social media feeds. You can see all the tweets that have been directed at you (and whether or not you've replied to them yet), you can see all the tweets you'd normally see on your Twitter homepage, you can see a special column for private messages in your inbox, you can see all of the 'activity' of your followers and you can add more columns to show you more things, if you need to! What's especially interesting is that you can use TweetDeck to run more than one Twitter account, so if your business has any subsidiaries, or you'd just like to run your personal account at the same time as doing your business tweets, you can do so with TweetDeck.


So if you're doing Twitter marketing, you should definitely look into TweetDeck. It's totally free (of course) and so if you have a bit of a play around with it you might just find that it's a lot more useful to you than running Twitter simply by logging in as usual. It also gives you a way to keep active on Twitter even on days when you know you are going to be away from the computer, as TweetDeck gives you the ability to schedule tweets.


I hope this has been an interesting piece of information for you. Twitter can be a very useful tool for businesses, and TweetDeck can make it even more useful. But if you don't even have an eCommerce website to do Twitter marketing for, then sign up to Sellr now and make one for no cost at all! 


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