Sellr Blog

Submitting Pages to Google

By Adam  |  29 Jan 2016 12:00:00

If you're hoping to do a little better with your search engine rankings, one thing you need to be sure of is that you are regularly submitting your pages to Google. You see, Google makes its rankings by crawling through each page on the internet and then, based on the content, key words, URL, traffic and so forth, will decide how highly a page will rank when people search for it. Every time a page is changed, once Google has crawled through it, its ranking will change.


Another factor that helps determine where a page will rank on Google, is how recent it is. New content is valued highly, while older content is not valued as much. Of course, old content can also rank highly and bring in traffic for a long time, but it is less likely. This is obviously because otherwise older news articles might come up ahead of newer, more important ones which would be quite unhelpful to a lot of people, To ensure that your pages are ranking as highly as possible, you should submit them to Google as soon as you have written/edited them. Google will naturally get around to crawling all web pages in its own time, but if you leave it to be crawled naturally, time will go by, it will become less relevant and therefore will not rank as highly as it would have done had it been submitted instantly.


You can submit websites to Google using the Google Search Console (previously known as Google Webmaster Tools) which is a free service with lots of extremely useful tools for anybody who has their own website. You should definitely give it a try, if you don’t use it already and then hopefully that will help you to make your eCommerce website become even more well-renowned. But if you don't even have an eCommerce website yet, then sign up to Sellr now and get started for no cost at all!


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