Try This SEO Quiz
If you think you're an SEO expert, there's an SEO quiz which you might like to try. Moz is quite a big name in the world of SEO and they've created a free SEO quiz for business owners to use to test their knowledge. It's always worth trying small things like this, just to make sure that your knowledge is up to scratch. If you find that you're lacking in some areas, then it could be well worth your time to do a bit of research and study: a good place to start is this blog, as different areas of SEO are covered in several posts!
A lot of people think that they could get by without truly understanding SEO, but it is a very important thing to know. If your business is offline, you really need to get it online as soon as possible as you could be making so many more sales if you do go live on the internet: but to do that, you need to know SEO. A lot of it, really, is just common sense: what do you think will rank highly? Content which is well written, relevant to its subject matter and presented in an easy to read way. But there are a few bits and pieces of information which require just a little bit more thought. SEO is such an important factor because, without it, people are not very likely to find your website and it will just be really hard for it to grow with bad SEO.
So if you want to test your SEO knowledge, be sure to do this quiz! Who knows, you may learn something really interesting which really helps you to promote your eCommerce website! But if you don't even have an eCommerce website yet, then sign up to Sellr now and get started for no cost at all.
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