Weebly Review
It works with a very basic drag and drop sort of system. First you chose which template you want to work from, and then you drag in each feature (from a limited selection) that you'd like included on your website. You can then go on to upload images and so on and so forth as well. It's pretty basic, but simple to use. The problem is that Weebly's eCommerce features almost feel like they were a little bit of an afterthought; you can add a little 'store' to your website, but there's not really all that much you can do with it. It seems more like it was designed for people who want to make a website for something else, but who also wouldn't mind having an online shop as well. This means that the eCommerce features feel rather out of focus. Most significantly, there aren't really any marketing features, which is a huge downside. Anybody who's ever taken up any kind of online endeavour will tell you that marketing is vitally important, yet Weebly provides next to nothing in that area.
So, if you were hoping to start your own eCommerce website, I hope that shows you that it might be a waste of your time (and maybe also a waste of your money!) if you were to try and use Weebly. A better alternative could be to go for Sellr. Sellr was specifically designed around creating eCommerce websites and every feature will help to make the site as user friendly as possible and to bring in a large number of customers. We provide an extensive set of features which cover email, social media and content marketing and will doubtlessly make it much easier to approach prospects. So, really, it's just an all-round better service when it comes to making eCommerce websites, and if that's what you were hoping to do, why not sign up right away? Since you can use Sellr for free (forever) you've got nothing to lose!
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