Vlogging for Business
So, what strengths does a vlog have over a blog and how might it be helpful for you and your eCommerce business? Well, one thing you might like to consider is the fact that vlogs give you quite a good way to show off what exactly your products can do. Your vlog videos could each be a showcase of one of your products and why they're so good. It can also be a good place to have discussions with other people who work in your area (maybe co-workers) as a back and forth about things happening in your industry is the kind of thing which can't be so easily conveyed in a written blog post.
But, of course, if you want to do vlogging you're going to need to have more resources than would be needed for writing a blog; a nice camera and microphone will be essential and that's not to mention video editing software. These kinds of resources require a certain level of skill to use too and it's unlikely that somebody with no video making skills will be able to produce a professional level vlog. So keep this in mind as you proceed with your business. Vlogs will be best for some businesses and products, while blogs will be best for others. But if you haven't even started your business yet, then sign up to Sellr now! For no cost at all you can create your very own eCommerce website.
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