The Sello App
Shopify has been in the news recently because they've recently launched a new app called Sello. You may have noticed this because it was trending on a few social media outlets and people were getting pretty excited about it. Does that mean they're offering something which is really rather fantastic? No, not really. You see, because Shopify is so well known, anything they do will cause a huge reaction. As an example of this phenomenon, look at the time that popular musician Justin Bieber tweeted "hello" (something which I'm sure many people can agree, has no real substance) yet it received almost 30,000 retweets! Once you reach a certain level of popularity, anything you do will get a lot of attention.
Essentially, the Sello app's main selling point is that it's one of 'easiest' ways for people to set up an eCommerce website... Which is odd, because that's Sellr's main selling point! Sello doesn't really offer anything that Sellr doesn't, but there are certainly a lot of things that Sellr offers that Sello doesn't! For one thing, Sello is app-only, excluding all people who don't own a smartphone and while Sellr does not currently have an app, we're launching one very soon and so once that's up we'll be able to accommodate everyone no matter how they like to work. Of course, there's also the fact that Sello is quite a barebones service; it lets you make up a very basic website and use social media to try and sell your products to people, but that's it. Sello does not offer any room for expansion, Sellr, meanwhile lets you use the free package for as long as you like, but there are also three larger packages which provide a range of marketing tools which are essential for the growth of any independent business.
So if you find yourself on a search engine and you've written "Sell" don't make the fatal mistake of finishing that word with the letter "o" instead go for a nice "r" so that you can make the word "Sellr" and get started with the internet's best and most accessible eCommerce website creation tool. Not only is it already much more comprehensive than Sello, but Sellr has lots of exciting new features on the way which means that Sello's only going to seem even worse, as time goes by. So, if you do want your own eCommerce website then sign up to Sellr now!
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