Sellr Blog

Free Google Shopping Listings

By Adam  |  14 Mar 2016 12:00:00  |  Full article...

When you think of the internet, what's the first business that comes to mind? Google, I'm sure (sorry if you were thinking of something else). Google run the search engine which is most popular by quite a margin, offer one of the most popular email services, have their own web browser, amazing translation tools and so much more. Because Google are so big and, specifically because their search engine is so big, the advertising services that they offer are extremely popular and extremely

Good Bad Marketing

By Adam  |  11 Mar 2016 12:00:00  |  Full article...

The other day I was going about my daily routines when I found myself on a business's website. I shan't say the name of the website because I don't want to upset anybody, but I clicked to go to a "Meet the Team" page and what I found there was (probably unintentionally) hilarious. Instead of regular photographs of the staff, there were illustrations of them and these illustrations made them all look hideous. Now, it's possible that the illustrator was going for this so

Why You Should Update Your Website

By Adam  |  9 Mar 2016 12:00:00  |  Full article...

A lot of people building their eCommerce websites add content to the pages, list their products and then leave it at that. Once the general structure of a website is finished, people will generally only bother to change any of the text on the website if it becomes factually incorrect and, other than that, any new work on the site is likely to be based mainly on new products that come in and so forth. However, it is a good idea to always be updating every aspect of your website and I am going to

RomanCart Review

By Adam  |  7 Mar 2016 12:00:00  |  Full article...

If you want to start up your very own eCommerce website, then there is a vast array of options available to you. Sellr, Ekmpowershop, Shopify, ShopWired and many others too. But today I'd like to tell you a little about RomanCart. RomanCart has been around for many years and is used by a huge number of businesses with eCommerce websites. So if you wanted a more in-depth understanding of RomanCart, here's our review.   RomanCart is advertised as the perfect thing to turn any

The Pros and Cons of Ekmpowershop

By Adam  |  4 Mar 2016 12:00:00  |  Full article...

If you're thinking about starting up an eCommerce website, you might think that Ekmpowershop is the best platform for this endeavour. Ekmpowershop is one of the best known eCommerce providers around and one of the biggest in the UK, so it's likely that that will be the first thought for a lot of people. So if you were thinking that you'd like to make an eCommerce website with Ekmpowershop, then here's a list of their pros and cons, which should be useful to any of their

Google Changes - 2016

By Adam  |  26 Feb 2016 12:00:00  |  Full article...

For a lot of small businesses, paid Google search results are essential. Do you ever use their advertising system? It can be a really effective way of bringing traffic to your site - although it is a little expensive. As there is a good chance that many Sellr users will be using this and that it will be a big factor in bringing people to their site, I thought that it would be a good idea to write a blog post on Google's recent changes to this system.   How is it Different? Well,

Facebook Reactions Have Launched

By Adam  |  25 Feb 2016 12:00:00  |  Full article...

A while ago there was talk of Facebook replacing the classic "Like" button with a whole set of "Reaction Buttons" which allow a broader set of emotions to be conveyed - this has now happened for every Facebook user! Now, instead of merely being able to convey that they 'like' a post, they can also click to show that they 'love' a post, that it made them say "haha" or "wow" or if it made them ‘angry’. This is quite a good

Invoice Services from Hiveage

By Adam  |  22 Feb 2016 12:00:00  |  Full article...

Invoicing is something which all businesses will be aware of, but for small businesses it can often be hard to find the best invoice service. In today's blog post, I'd like to talk a little about the virtues of an invoice system called Hiveage. A lot of the time you'll find that all the good invoice systems are not free to use and for smaller businesses this additional fee is not something they'll want on their limited budget. But Hiveage is a good, comprehensive invoicing

Everything You Need to Know About Ekmpowershop

By Adam  |  19 Feb 2016 12:00:00  |  Full article...

If you're planning on starting an eCommerce website, then there's a good chance that one of the services you're interested in using in Ekmpowershop. However, if you are planning on using Ekmpowershop, it's probably best to make sure that you know everything about it beforehand. As such, we decided that it would be beneficial to provide a nice and simple one stop shop for everything you need to know about Ekmpowershop. 1. Ekmpowershop only offer one payment

Promote Content with StumbleUpon

By Adam  |  17 Feb 2016 12:00:00  |  Full article...

Every website owner wants their content to be found and something that can help with that is StumbleUpon. What's tricky about getting your content found is that there are so many other businesses that are also producing content. What is there to ensure that people will find yours and not somebody else's? Well, the main thing to do is to produce something which is very high quality and unique, but you also need to be sure that you are giving people as many ways as possible to find your

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About the Authors

Sellr Marketing Expert
Sellr Content Expert
Ecommerce Expert
Email Marketing Wizard
Equestrian Specialist

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