Sellr Blog

How to Avoid Spam Emails

By Adam  |  26 Nov 2015 10:00:00  |  Full article...

At the start of each day, it's nice to ease yourself into work by leisurely going over the emails in your inbox. You'll doubtlessly have a lot of emails which are important to read and to reply to, but you'll probably also find that you have a huge number of spam emails. Of course, you can delete your spam emails quite easily, but it's still frustrating and they might not all be identifiable as spam right away. A lot of spam will go straight into your spam box, but sadly not all

Thailand eCommerce Grows

By Adam  |  24 Nov 2015 11:00:00  |  Full article...

As seems to be the case very often: there is some good news in the world of eCommerce once again. This time the news comes from Thailand, where we hear that the eCommerce industry is growing at a good rate. An amazing two thirds of Thai internet users make at least one purchase online every single month; that's an enormous number of people! Plus, rather interestingly, it shows that more than half of those people are making these online purchases with their mobile phones. This shows

Student Career Tips

By Adam  |  23 Nov 2015 10:00:00  |  Full article...

There are a lot of students out there who aren't really sure what they're going to do with themselves once they leave education. There's a lot of pressure for students to have a solid plan for their lives from an early stage, but the truth is that those with no plan don't need to worry so much. You might not have a plan at the moment, but things will fall into place as you begin to realise which path is best for you. In the meantime, what can you do in order to set yourself up

Making a Business Twitter

By Adam  |  22 Nov 2015 12:00:00  |  Full article...

When you create your own eCommerce website, you might be tempted to use an existing Twitter account to market it. If you've already got 5,000 followers on your personal Twitter, why would you bother starting a new one for your business when you already have such a large number of people that you can already market to? But actually, there are many reasons that making a new Twitter account for your business is a good idea and I'm going to go over them in today's blog

Password Security

By Adam  |  21 Nov 2015 12:00:00  |  Full article...

Anybody who's active on the internet will likely have had to make their fair share of passwords over the years. Almost every website that offers some kind of service will require you to make an account before you use their service, this account will need a password and to make an account you'll need an email address, which will also have a password and so on. I guess I don't really need to explain it to you, because if you just take a minute to think about all the different things

Social Media Monitoring

By Adam  |  20 Nov 2015 18:00:00  |  Full article...

Anybody who runs an eCommerce business (or indeed, any business of any kind) will be keen to know what their customers and prospects think of them; either they'll want to know where they're falling down, so that they can take steps to improve, or they'll want to know what customers would like to see in future, so that their thoughts can be considered in future developments, But where can you get this information? Well, there are a few ways, but in today's blog post I'd like

Web Designer Opportunity

By Adam  |  20 Nov 2015 10:00:00  |  Full article...

Sellr is a great way for people to start up their own eCommerce website. You can use our templates to build a website for yourself (without having to pay us anything) or you can pay for one of our larger subscriptions and we'll build a website to your specifications! Perfect. But did you also know that web designers can use Sellr as a way to make money? It's true! In this blog post I'd like to talk to you about the opportunity for web developers that Sellr

Business Advent Calendars

By Adam  |  19 Nov 2015 10:00:00  |  Full article...

With Christmas fast approaching (now only five weeks and a day to go) it's doubtlessly on the minds of a lot of people. If you run an eCommerce website, you need to prepare for Christmas in advance because if you have a good plan, you really stand to see an increase in sales. Many people start Christmas shopping in November, so you should really already be in the first stages of your plan, but if you don't have a plan yet; don't worry! You still have enough time to prepare your

Content Idea Generators

By Adam  |  18 Nov 2015 10:00:00  |  Full article...

Content marketing is an effective way to keep your customers coming back to your website while also helping new people to find you. If you have some kind of blog with lots of interesting posts on it, why wouldn't your customers keep coming back to see what you post next? Plus, the more blog posts you have, the more keywords you'll have which will bring your website up in internet searches. The problem is that producing such large amounts of content is difficult and there's a chance

Using Emojis in Marketing

By Adam  |  17 Nov 2015 10:00:00  |  Full article...

Over the last few years, emojis have started to overtake emoticons as the way for people to express emotions over social media (and through chat systems). It was Apple who really helped to cement the popularity of emojis when they included them in the software of iPhones (and many other brands of smartphone followed suit). But let's backtrack for a second here: there's a good chance that some of you may not actually be familiar with the concept of emojis, so I shall explain. Emojis are

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Sellr Marketing Expert
Sellr Content Expert
Ecommerce Expert
Email Marketing Wizard
Equestrian Specialist

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